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Applications for the second call of the EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator Program are open.



EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), launched in January 2019, with the ambition to become the largest European initiative to address future challenges for the growth of urban populations, build and maintain infrastructures, mitigate economic and environmental costs due to congestion, greater accessibility and safety, improve air quality. The co-financing of up to 400 million euros (2020-2026) by the EIT, a body of the European Union, will make it possible to realize this ambitious vision.

L'EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator programme is an EU-funded program, of which ENEA is a partner, which is aimed at innovative start-ups that intend to develop advanced solutions to reduce congestion in cities and improve the efficiency of the transport system, aiming at the transition to low or zero emission forms of transport.

Do you have a startup or a business idea in the Urban Mobility sector??

The EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator program aims at innovative start-ups with business ideas to develop advanced solutions to solve problems related to urban mobility (city congestion, efficiency of the transport system, make commuting faster or more enjoyable) aiming at transition towards low or zero emission forms of transport.

For eligibility and other information consult the FAQs  on the EIT UM BA website


The program makes available to selected start-ups:

  • 15,000 euros of financing
  • A six-month acceleration program that includes coaching and mentoring services, technology validation, market research, establishing contacts with investors, access to the local ecosystem
  • 6-month internship at a selected location
  • Direct access to “living labs” and municipalities for the creation of new products and services

The 1st call for the selection of start-ups was launched in May 2020 with deadline on May 31st.

The 2nd call was launched in mid-October with a deadline for sending applications on 15 November 2020



* * It is possible to access the videos and slides of the informative webinar organized on May 20th by ENEA, EEN via the link