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Regional Minister for Startups, Innovation, Internationalisation of Campania Region (Italy)

email : assessore.fascione@regione.campania.it

Short Bio

Valeria Fascione has been Regional Minister for Startups, Innovation, Internationalisation of Campania Region (Italy) since July 2015
Valeria manages the EU|BIC Città della Scienza since 2002 where she coordinates a high number of projects in the field of international cooperation; strategic territorial marketing and deals with the reindustrialization of old abandoned industrial sites and business development.

Called upon in 2009 by the Campania Region to be the leader of the evaluation of Regional Programme Contracts supporting the development, innovation and internationalization process of big corporates and strategic industrial districts in the region, she then returns in 2011 to Fondazione IDIS and contributes as Strategic Marketing Director to the relaunch of Città delle Scienza where she successfully addresses the challenges associated with her position: promoting the internationalization of Italian companies and research centres.

She was mandated by the Italian Government to coordinate the China Italy Innovation Forum, an Italian platform for the promotion of innovative business-research ecosystems to China. She contributed to the creation of the first knowledge based industry area (AIC), which is still today an important pole for post-incubation in the Mezzogiorno.
One of her last challenges is the launch of the Fab Lab at Città della Scienza, which is born out of a cooperation project with the MIT in Boston.
She is a member of the International Technology Transfer Network Executive Committee promoted by the Chinese Government, an active member of EBN and one of the founders of the BAC, Business Angels Club, Valeria is regularly invited to participate as rapporteur in international conferences and as expert in regional systems of innovation, startups and research internationalization.

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