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EU-Japan Green Transition Business Matchmaking

[Brokerage Event]



This Platform brings together companies as well as research organisations from Japan and Europe for partnerships that contribute to a low-carbon society.


The Platform is based on the idea of open innovation. Registrants create profiles including their "Offers" and "Requests" / "Seeds" and "Needs", which will allow them to identify potential partners. 

partners by keywords and categories. It is possible to send messages or request meetings, which will be pre-arranged on the online platform and take place either online on this platform or onsite in Japan. 


A first round of online meetings will take place from 15-16 and  19-22 February 2024, followed by onsite meetings during the Smart Energy WeekGreen Transformation Week from 28 February -1 March in Tokyo. 

Also on this platform, you will find online pitching and other webinars. 

Target fields

  • Electrolysers and fuel cells
  • Battery/storage technologies
  • Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies
  • Grid technologies
  • Onshore wind and offshore renewable technologies
  • Sustainable biogas/biomethane technologies
  • Carbon Capture and storage (CCS) technologies
  • Heat pumps and geothermal energy technologies
  • Low-carbon construction and manufacturing/ green materials
  • Product lifecycle management (PLM) and Recycling

Why participate?

  • As purchaser - find qualified suppliers during effective one-to-one meetings
  • As market/sales manager - find new customers
  • As product developer - find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions

How can you benefit from this platform?

  • Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to other participants
  • Gather Information about the latest technologies and business trends
  • Identify promising partners by filtering companies, products and technologies
  • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings
  • Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
  • Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event




  Event web site



If you register, it is recommended to indicate ENEA as the Support Office, to receive support before, during and after the event.

To Participate

Evento esterno, Segui il link nella sezione information per partecipare.


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